Latest Publications
Chung, F. M. Y. (2025). Inclusive and culturally responsive singing in the early years. In J. van der Sandt & N. C. A. Nardi (Eds.), Singing and inclusion: Promoting social justice in collective singing with children and youth (SEMPRE Studies in the Psychology of Music series). Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Chung, F. M. Y. (2025). Moral education: Values, development, and pedagogical practices in cultural and arts education. Edited book under contract. (Forthcoming)
Chung, F. M. Y. (2024). Utilising technology as a transmission strategy in intangible cultural heritage: The case of Cantonese opera performances. International Journal of Heritage Studies. Routledge. [Top 1% in Scopus; SSCI; AHCI; Q1]
Chung, F. M. Y. (2023). Implementing moral and character education through music integration: Perspectives of school leaders in Hong Kong. Cogent Education. Taylor and Francis. [Scopus]
Chung, F. M. Y. (2023). Transmission of Cantonese opera performances in Hong Kong amidst COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Chung Hwa Book Publisher. (248 pages).
Chung, F. M. Y. (2022). Music and play in early childhood education: Teaching music in Hong Kong, China and the world. Springer/Palgrave MacMillan. (249 pages). [Scopus indexed]
Chung, F. M. Y. (2022). Safeguarding traditional theatre amid trauma: Career shock among cultural heritage professionals of Cantonese opera. International Journal of Heritage Studies. Routledge. [Top 1% in Scopus; SSCI; AHCI; Q1]
About me
Fanny M. Y. Chung is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Bristol. Her scholarly interests are interdisciplinary, focusing on the interlinked areas of cultural management, music and arts education, community arts and music, and cultural policy.
Chung is the author of Music and Play in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Music in Hong Kong, China and the World (2022) and Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong amidst COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis (2023). Her research has appeared in top-tier and major international journals and edited volumes.
Chung's publicly-funded research includes Research Grants Council (RGC)'s General Research Fund (GRF) [PI], Hong Kong SAR government's Lord Wilson Heritage Fund [PI], University Grants Committee (UGC)'s TDLEG grant [PI], as well as Direct Research Grant [PI] funded by the Research Committee of Faculty of Arts (the Chinese University of Hong Kong).
Chung has been the awardee of "Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award" twice, in 2019 and 2022, by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Chung's research project on Chinese opera was selected as "Outstanding Research Practice Project" by the China Arts Management Society. She is an editorial board member of Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (HSSCOMMS, Springer) [SSCI].
Main Research Interests
Interdisciplinary Research and Cultural Management; Music Education; Music in Early Childhood; Community Arts and Music; Cultural Policy; Performing Arts Technologies